This Thursday, October 17, Michelle and I will be heading to Davao City in the Philippines. We are going with Pastor Roger & Renee Hughes from New Beginnings Church in Stratford, OK. Roger & Renee lived in Bangladesh as missionaries and when they returned to the United States, they had the opportunity to visit the Philippines and establish a relationship with the pastors and churches there. They have been visiting this region since 2014 and this will be their first time back since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020.
We are looking forward to serving alongside Pastor Roger and Renee as we minister with them and the group going to the Pastors and Leaders of the churches in this region. The theme of this year's conference is the Presence of God. How does the presence of God in our lives affect what we do? How does the presence of God affect our church service, our home life and every other area?
Why the Philippines? Why this trip?
When we were on the mission trip in the Huasteca region of San Luis Potosi, Mexico, last year, I was able to be a part of a Pastors and leaders conference there for the 14 churches in the region that we were working with. It was an incredible experience for me to be able to help encourage and equip the pastors and leaders while we were there. Honestly, it was my favorite part of the trip. Being able to share from my own experience and relate to the pastors and leaders as a fellow elder/pastor was a blessing to those in attendance. When the opportunity was presented to us earlier this year to go and serve these pastors and leaders in the Philippines we were hesitant at first. The distance and time to travel there seemed overwhelming. Also, my heart has always been for reaching those in Central & South America, specifically the Spanish speaking countries there. However, we felt like this was a Kingdom connection with our friends Roger & Renee and after praying and seeking the will of God, we didn't hear a "no" so here we go!

I've heard it said, "Relationships are the currency of the Kingdom of Heaven", and I totally agree. We value Kingdom relationships so much! Many of the missions and ministry opportunities we've had and been a part of the past few years have been through relationships we've built over the decades of ministry since going to Bible School, and even before that through the churches we've been a part of. Coming alongside others who have been faithful to the call of God upon their lives for years is such a blessing. We are excited for this opportunity to encourage and equip theses leaders in the Philippines. Would you pray for us as we go? We desperately need your prayers. We want to speak what the Lord would have us speak. We want to experience the presence of God with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Southeast Asia. We want to encourage the ones that are pouring out each and every week in the local churches. We want to be used by the Lord Jesus in whatever way He wants to use us, for His glory.
Pastor Daniel